• Sant Darbara Singh College of Education for Women, Lopon

    Malliana Road,MOGA(PB.)


    ICT Resource Centre/Computer Lab is one of the major focal labs of the college. ICT, Computer Lab, and ET facilities have been integrated into the college where learners are not only encouraged to acquire basic skills but also motivated to use the same extensively during the B.Ed. program. The use of ICT is promoted in lesson planning and delivery. The students are motivated to conceptualize and develop ICT-related instructional material for the enrichment of their teaching. Besides, the students are encouraged to develop interactive power-point presentations and AVs for their school experience program.

    The college has 25 networked computer units. There are 2 computers in the library which can be used by the staff members and the students. The remaining are available in the computer lab.

    The entire college campus is Wi-Fi enabled and efforts are made to ensure that ICT and its use are integrated into the fabric of the curriculum. In the two-year B.Ed. the program, the EPC on ICT builds the theoretical and practical base for the learners. The students are thus able to access educational websites and other online material for preparing their assignments and for preparing interactive PowerPoint presentations. They are encouraged to incorporate audio/video clips into their lesson plans. The use of ICT in enabling the students in creating their own AVs using digital cameras or smartphones is another addition to the repertoire of means for enriching teaching. The students are encouraged to use their smartphones to video-shoot the relevant visuals/sequences focusing on academic concerns. They are also encouraged to conduct interviews and integrate them with texts to produce an authentic AV. This AV then becomes a teaching aid and can be used for teaching.